Graduation ceremony of the 16th Airborne course named after Martyr Corporal Bilal Ahmad

Saturday, 30 July 2016

The graduation ceremony of the 16th Airborne course named after Martyr Corporal Bilal Ahmad was celebrated this morning in the Airborne Regiment barrack - Ghosta The ceremony was attended by the LAF Commander representative Colonel P.S.C Jean Nohra, commander of the regiment, along with a crowd of officers and the relatives of the graduates as well the family members of the regiment’s martyrs.

Colonel Nohra delivered a speech on the occasion in which he commended the efforts of trainers and the competence of the troops who attended the course. Colonel Nohra also stressed the importance of qualitative training being offered to special units in the army in order to make them more efficient and capable of performing exceptional tasks.

At the end of the ceremony, certificates were distributed on the graduates and memorial shield was offered to the family of the martyr. Moreover, a military parade and combat drills were organized at the end of the ceremony in which all the graduates have participated.