The death of arrested individuals as a result of chronic health issues

Tuesday, 04 July 2017

The Army Headquarters – Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:
Following the preemptive security operation executed by LAF units in Ersal camps which resulted in the death of 4 suicide bombers who were planning to provoke incidents inside Lebanon, several wanted individuals involved in planning and preparing the said operation were arrested. During the usual medical check up performed by the Army medical department under the supervision of the relevant authorities, it was revealed that some of them suffered from chronic health issues that were aggravated due to the climate condition. Therefore, these individuals were subjected to medical treatments immediately following their transfer, before the beginning of the interrogation process. However, their health problems intensified, leading to the death of the Syrian nationals: Mustafa Abd el Karim Absse, Khaled Hussein el-Mleis, Anas Hussein el-Husseiki and Othman Merhi el-Mleis. Moreover, the coroners presented their medical reports concerning the causes of death. The Army Command immediately subjected the other arrested individuals to medical checkups in order to ensure the nonexistence of similar cases that require hospitalization and to check whether some of them have taken poisonous drugs that are dangerous to their lives.