Workshop at Fouad Chehab Academy for Command and General Staff

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

This morning, a workshop was inaugurated, entitled "Administrative Judicial Authority and its Integration with the Institutions of the Ministry of National Defense", in the presence of the LAF Commander  in Chief General Joseph Aoun, the President of the State Council Judge Fadi Elias, the Governor of Mount Lebanon Judge Muhammad Makkawi, the Chairman of the National School of Administration Board Dr. George Labaki, the Executive Director of the Training and Development Department at Banque du Liban Professor Muhammad Jabri and the Dean of the Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative and Economic Sciences, Dr. Khalil al-Dahdah, in addition to a number of academics, judges and officers.

The workshop was organized by the Center for Research and Strategic Studies at Fouad Chehab Academy for Command and General Staff, in cooperation with Banque du Liban - Training Directorate, the State Council and the National School of Administration, and it will last for three days.

Judge Elias delivered a speech in which he indicated that the Administrative Judicial Authority is distinguished by its independence from the ordinary Judicial Authority and from the General Administration, including the Ministry of National Defense. He reminded that the Administrative Judicial Authority remains a judicial body whereas public administration remains a party in the disputes brought before this authority. However, he noted that this independence does not prevent communication and cooperation between them.

He commended the commitment of the Ministry of National Defense and the role of the Army Command in implementing the provisions of the State Council relating to them.

LAF Commander in Chief General Joseph Aoun also delivered a speech in which he indicated that “The workshop inaugurated today constitutes an essential entry point to discuss all issues related to the work of the Administrative Judicial Authorities and administrative disputes with the Ministry of National Defense. General Aoun stressed the commitment of the military institution to apply the principle of transparency and reinforce the relationship between the army and the administrative judiciary authorities and individuals affected by some of its decisions, counting on its findings and the recommendations that will be issued from it, to preserve the rights of individuals and the dignity of the military institution at the same time.

General Aoun concluded by saying: “In light of the exceptional situation we are facing at various levels, the need arises to strengthen the principle of transparency and accountability, the importance of respecting the implementation of law, and highlighting the importance of administrative and judicial reform, because the judicial authorities are a fundamental pillar in building the nation, and if the judicial and security institutions are well, then the nation and justice are safe as well.