Meetings of the Armed Forces Commander General Aoun

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

The Armed Forces Commander General Joseph Aoun received in his office in Yarzeh the MPs Strida Geagea, Amin Wehbe, Antoine Saad, Henri Helo and former MP Mansour el-Bon. Talks during these meetings addressed the general situation in the country. General Aoun also received a delegation from the Syndicate of Journalism headed by the head of the Syndicate Aouni el-Kaaki. General Aoun also received during the day a delegation consisting of the league of municipalities of Donnieh headed by Mr. Abdel Salam Saadieh el-Karim el-Khalil and a delegation of the Lions Clubs headed by the governor Mr. Fadi Ghanem. In related news, General Aoun received a delegation from the International Center for Migration Policies Development (ICMPD) headed by Mr. Martjin Pluim. Discussions during the visit focused on the ongoing cooperation in terms of refurbishing the Land Border Regiments training centers.