Principal activities of Lebanese Mine Action Center

Used methods:
3 methods are used in Lebanon:
- Manual: detecting by using probes and sensors.
- Mechanical: using mine flails and other mechanical means.
- Using dogs trained for mine detection.

(2) - Operational Capabilities of the Center:

The current capabilities of the Center

International NGOs:

MAG:- Battlefield clearing teams: 7.
          - A mechanical team: 1.
          - Demining teams: 1.
          - Local Communication: 3

Handicap International: – A Mechanical team: 3

DCA: - Battlefield clearing teams: 3.
          - A mechanical team: 5.

NPA: - Battlefield clearing teams: 7

National NGO:
POD: - Battlefield clearing teams: 7


Lebanon’s capabilities in humanitarian demining
Battlefield clearing teams Mechanical team Demining teams Local Communication Total
23 1 11 3 38


The current capabilities of the engineering regiment
• On all Lebanese territories:
- NTS Team
- 4 mechanical clearing teams
- 7 mine detector dog teams

• North Lebanon:
- 2 demining teams

• South Lebanon:
- 2 demining and cluster bombs removal teams
- 2 sampling teams
- 2 NTS teams

The capabilities of the Engineering Regiment n Humanitarian Demining

Fast response (secret)


demining and cluster bombs removal teams

mine detector dog teams


Non- technical scanning teams

mechanical clearing teams

Demining teams

3 2 7 2 3 4 2 20+ 3 companies


 Cleared spaces from 1998 till 30/04/2015 (in sqm):


Type Original Cleared Remaining
Mine fields 54.135.567 25.046.610 29.088.957
Suspicious spots 44.422.953 29.353.857 15.069.096
Spots infested with cluster bombs 59.020.060 41.033.297 17.986.763
Total 157.578.580 95.433.764 62.144.816

(A)- Anti - personnel mines: used for killing individuals and disrupt their movement. They come in different shapes and colors.



(B) – Anti -Tank mines: used for destroying vehicles and killing or injuring individuals inside the vehicles. They come in different shapes and colors.



(C)- Luminous mines: used for illuminating sneaking places into military posts.
(D)- Cluster bombs: They are small devices designed for automatic explosion or explosion upon impact with a body or as a result of tempering with them. They are propelled using artillery missiles, rocket launchers and aircraft rockets. They come in various forms and colors and they might be in the form of a ball or stone or an iron butterfly, or a device with a dangling tape or other forms.