Raid operations in West Bekaa and Kafaat and individuals arrested

Tuesday, 07 August 2018

The Army Headquarters – Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:
In the frame of the security procedures taken by LAF units in different Lebanese regions and as a result of followup, an intelligence directorate patrol raided on this date in Marj – West Bekaa the residences of gang members performing thefts that affected several villages in West and Mid Bekaa. Syrians: Assad Mouhammad el Hussein, Mohammad el Mohammad el Hussein and Abd el wahhab Khaled el Khalif were arrested. Hilal el Fadl was also arrested for purchasing several stolen products from the mentioned gang.
Moreover, the intelligence directorate arrested in Kafaat – Baabda citizen Youssef Karnib and Syrian Bachar Rashadat for trafficking narcotics. They were caught in possession of Cocaine and Hash as well as an amount of money.
 The arrested individuals were turned in to the relevant authorities and investigations were carried out.